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Thursday, July 24, 2014

Forthcoming from The Library of America (Winter–Spring 2015)

The Library of America will open the new year (which is closer than one might think) by completing its editions of the novels of Saul Bellow and the plays of Arthur Miller, both of whom will be celebrating their centenaries in 2015. We’ll also welcome two authors new to the series: Ross Macdonald (yet another centenarian ) and Reinhold Niebuhr. And a two-volume collection of pamphlets from the American Revolution—from both sides of the conflict—will restore to print an abundance of material that has been unavailable to general readers for 250 years.


Saul Bellow
Novels 1984–2000

James Wood, editor
More Die of Heartbreak • What Kind of Day Did You Have? • A Theft • The Bellarosa Connection • The Actual • Ravelstein
January 2015
Library of America #260 / ISBN 978-1-59853-352-1

Arthur Miller
Collected Plays 1987–2004

Tony Kushner, editor
Danger: Memory • The Ride Down Mt. Morgan • The Last Yankee • Broken Glass • Mr. Peters’ Connections • Resurrection Blues • Finishing the Picture • more
February 2015
Library of America #261 / ISBN 978-1-59853-353-8

Jack Kerouac
Visions of Cody, Visions of Gerard, Big Sur

Todd Tietchen, editor
March 2015
Library of America #262 / ISBN 978-1-59853-374-3

Reinhold Niebuhr
Major Works on Religion and Politics

Elisabeth Sifton, editor
Leaves from the Notebook of a Tamed Cynic • Moral Man and Immoral Society • The Children of Light and the Children of Darkness • The Irony of American History • writings on current events 1928–1967 • prayers, sermons, and lectures
April 2015
Library of America #263 / ISBN 978-1-59853-375-0

Ross Macdonald
Four Novels of the 1950s

Tom Nolan, editor
The Way Some People Die • The Barbarous Coast • The Doomsters • The Galton Case • other writings
May 2015
Library of America #264 / ISBN 978-1-59853-376-7

The American Revolution
Writings from the Pamphlet Debate
(two volumes)
Gordon S. Wood, editor
May 2015
Volume One: 1764–1772 / Library of America #265 / ISBN 978-1-59853-377-4
Volume Two: 1773–1776 / Library of America #266 / ISBN 978-1-59853-378-1
Boxed set: 978-1-59853-410-8


President Lincoln Assassinated!!
The Firsthand Story of the Murder, Manhunt, Trial, and Mourning

Compiled and introduced by Harold Holzer
March 2015
ISBN 978-1-59853-373-6

The Top of His Game
The Best Sportswriting of W. C. Heinz

Bill Littlefield, editor
March 2015
ISBN 978-1-59853-372-9


The Collected Plays of Arthur Miller (three volumes)
Tony Kushner, editor
The complete Library of America edition: 33 plays, a novella, rare shorter works, and Miller’s own notes and introductions
February 2015
ISBN 978-1-59853-379-8

The Debate on the Constitution (two volumes)
Bernard Bailyn, editor
Federalist and Anti-Federalist speeches, articles, and letters from the struggle over ratification (September 1787–August 1788)
May 2015
ISBN 978-1-59853-411-5

Previously on Reader's Almanac
Forthcoming from The Library of America (Fall 2014)


  1. Very happy and excited to see Macdonald joining the Library of America. Hopefully this will be the first of many volumes.

  2. Thank you for the continued chronicling of Kerouac

  3. Rather than reading the Archer stories solely as mysteries, thrillers, entertainments, and detective stories (though of course they can exist solely on that level for readers who are interested in them as such), we’d do ourselves a favor to consider them in a few other ways as well. In the massive reference work World Authors 1950-1970, published by the H.H. Wilson Company, Macdonald wrote that The Galton Case and Black Money “are probably my most complete renderings of the themes of smothered allegiance and uncertain identity which my work inherited from my early years.” Of course, in Black Money the smothered allegiance occurs between the lovers Ginny Fablon and Tappinger.

  4. Here’s a situation that arises continually in the Lew Archer novels: someone Archer is investigating is surprised to learn how much he knows about them. In Black Money Kitty Hendricks voices this surprise in virtually those very words –“How do you know so much about me?” Usually, though, the knowledge Archer has obtained when this question comes up turns out to be peripheral – that is, it doesn’t bear directly on the solution to the case but is just a part of the hopelessly tangled morass of action and information Archer is working his way through. In the novels that most critics and scholars seem to feel comprise the mature Macdonald style – The Galton Case through The Blue Hammer – the reader is constantly being thrown off the scent this way.

  5. Any word on further editions of William Faulkner? Would love to see his short stories published by LOA.

  6. Our edition of Faulkner's stories has been delayed, due to the unfortunate deaths of both Joseph Blotner and Noel Polk in 2012. We are certainly committed to publishing the stories, but we are still seeking new editors who are able to commit their time and expertise to the knotty issue of the textual histories for each of the stories.

  7. Any chance you will be doing an edition of the novels and short stories of Peter De Vries?

  8. All the Ross McDonald Lew Archer novels and stories need to be issued in Library of America editions. I took many of Robert B Parker, Jr's courses in English Lit at Northeastern University from 1967 to 1971, before he began writing Spenser novels, and he considered McDonald to be a direct descendant of Hammett and Chandler. I have to agree.


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